丽声拼读 The Scrap Rocket 2021-07-18
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:市级 活动类别: 执教姓名:黄静 所在单位:江阴市文林中心小学 执教时间:2021-04-01 执教地点:无锡市扬名中心小学 执教内容:丽声拼读 The Scrap Rocket 参加对象:无锡市乡村小学英语骨干教师

The Scrap Rocket

First,the chant is for you.It’s about some consonants.Everybody,stand up,shake your body and follow me.

Rap it,read it,say it,,sign it,

Rap it,read it,say it,,sign it,

C ,C,this is letter C, C is for/k/,/k/,cowC is for/k/,/k/, cake.

F ,F,this is letter F, F is for/f/,/f/,family.;F is for/f/,/f/,farm

M,M,this is letter M,M is for/m/,/m/,monkey; M is for/m/,/m/,milk;

S,S,this is letter S,S is for/s/,/s/,sun; S is for/s/,/s/,sandwich

Y,Y,this is letter Y,Y is for/y/,/y/,yo-yo; Y is for/y/,/y/,yellow

Well down,sit down,please.

Are you ready for class?

一、 warm up

Hello, boys and girls, I'm your new English teacher today. My family name is Huang,you can call me…Class begins!Good morning,boys and girls.Nice to meet you.

Before class we've enjoyed a happy chant, now let's play a game”Quick response”.

First, I say p, you say /p/.

Next, more difficult. Please say like me./p/,/l/, /pl/.击掌说Can you? Another group!

And then, try to read these words./p//o//t/,/pot/.拍臂说You please. 

Wonderful, you all did a good job.


Boys and girls, today we will learn a story.

Look at the cover, what can you see?

I can see a rabbit .

Yes, he's Ron. Let's say hello to Ron Rabbit.

What else can you see? Chinese is ok.

Right. We can see a tin, spanner, a piece of paper/a washing machine,a teapot,some boxes,some rubbish and so on.

What can Ron do with these things? Try to guess. Clever.Yes, he can make a rocket. 


we’ve learned this word,jacket!And now,who can read?Good!

/r//r/,rocket,/rɔ//rɔ/ rocket

Now I say, you say. I say jacket,… , /j//j/jacket,…. /jæ//jæ/jacket,… .Perfect!

See?We can know a lot from the cover. So today we will learn the story named the scrap rocket.


But what is scrap? Look, it’s a crap TV and it's a scrap washing machine.So scrap is new or old ?Yes, scrap means old things. Let’s read the title again.红粉笔板书课题,三字母大写 

But how to make a rocket? The story is divided into three parts.The first part is from P1-7,the second part is from P8-11,the third one is from P12-16.Please read the story quickly and summarize three key words for every part.Remember:The key word is a verb.音乐响起,学生回答。

Yes, first we should collect things.贴板书。学collect. collect toys,collect boxes.What else can we collect?

Next,we make a rocket. 贴板书。

After that, we can fly the rocket. 贴板书。

This is the story. Now let's read for more details.

Ron Rabbit is collecting things.What things?

Here,the letter is missing.You can listen and choose the right letter,OK?

一个个听答which letter?Well done.Go on! 板书。

Read after me, /I//I/tin./æ//æ/tap./ɒ//ɒ/pot./I/ /I/ lid.

So,first,(Listen and repeat):Ron collects a tin,a tap,a pot and a lid.

T:Then,Ron collects another three things.Look here they are.But how to read and how to spell.Please take out your paper and write down the missing letters .It’s a little difficult.So listen carefully.

全部听完答,who has finished?The first one,who can spell,who can read?what about the second one?The last one.Well done. 板书。

Read after me,Pl-ug,plug.Pl-ank,plank.P-ump,pump.

So next, (Listen and repeat):Ron collects a plug,a plank and a pump.

Wow, so many things, but how to put them together? What else does Ron collect? 

It’s time to learn in pairs. Please pen your books and read P6-7, try to read the new words and guess the meanings.

What’s this?what does it mean?连续三次

Look, it's a spring.学spring. 板书They’re useful. Where can we see the spring?We can see springs in your pencil, bike and bed. Spring has another meaning,it’s a season,it means…

Look, it's a strap.学strap . 板书They are all straps.

Look, it's string.string. string is uncountable noun, don't puts in the end. So we can say lots of string. 

(Listen)Next,Ron collects a spring,a strap and lots of spring.

Pay attention to your prounciation and internation.

Read after me,Boys,together; girls together.

T:Ron collects so many things.What are they?指向板书,依次读。

They are all scrap metal.读scrap metal

OK, everything is ready, Ron can make a rocket.

Listen! Let's make the sound together. Follow me. Ready?Go! Oh, busy Ron, let's help him,OK?

自学pr-od,tw-ist,cr-ank,各组读,加动作,a little tired, let’s change to another hand, come on! This time, two hands together. Well done!

It’s time for magic. 当当当当!What’s this now? Yeah, it's a rocket.How is the rocket?How is Ron?

Now time to fly the rocket. Let’s say: one, two, three, lift-off!Go!

Look, Ron is very very happy,he’s excited, he says, This is a thrill! Read after me. Oh, you don’t look very happy. When you’re very very hungry, you see a big hamburger, you will say?When you have full marks, you will say?

Wow, maybe the rocket will fly to the sky or fly to the moon, how amazing!

Look at Ron, is he happy? How is he?What happened?Let's watch!

Oh, the rocket goes down, what a pity! Splash. you say, spl, you say ash, we say splash!

Where’s the rocket? It’s in the water. It’s not a rocket. So Ron is sad.

It's a submarine.学submarine.Guess, what is submarine? Clever!

They’re submarines. They can swim in the water, they can work under the water.

At first, Ron is excited. He says This is a thrill. Next, Ron is sad Because it's not a rocket. And then, it's a submarine, so he 's happy again.

This time, let's act in groups ,please show the changes of Ron’s mood.

Which group wants to show? Good team work! I like your show.

This is the whole story.Do you like it? 

Let’s enjoy the story again with the tape.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

2.Let’s retell

T: Can you retell the story?The conjunction and the mind map can help you.Have a try.

You can follow me.

Ron wants to make a rocket.First,he should collect things.He collects...

He’s hopeful.Everything is ready.Then,he makes the rocket.Clink...He’s cheerful.Finally,it's time for him to fly the rocket.One,two three...He’s excited.But then,the rocket falls down.He’s sad.It’s not a rocket,but...He’s happy again.

3.Let’s think

Do you know why we call it the scrap rocket?

Yes,it’s made of old things,and it’s broken at last.

T:Do you like Ron?What do you think of Ron?


T:I agree with you.He has many good ideas,he’s clever.He makes good use of old things,he’s creative.When he flies the rocket,he tries,and never mind if it works,he’s brave.Then the rocket falls down,he’s optimistic.

So boys and girls,try everything and please look at the things from a different angle.ok?

I think today we learn a lot from Ron,we also learnt some knowledge about phonics, remember?let’s say together!

Great, you’ve got it. Phonics help us to read the new words more quickly and correctly.

After class,please share the story with others and read more phonics books.

That’s all for today. I’m very happy to be with you. Thank you, everyone . Goodbye,boys and girls. Turn around,let’s say goodbye to other teachers.