1. 语言能力目标:学生能够理解故事情节;听懂故事录音;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;认读fierce, sad, good, frightened, hungry等表示情绪和感觉的词;灵活运用“…was…”表达人物的情绪和感觉;
2. 非语言能力目标:使学生充分感受一家人在玩做鬼脸游戏时其乐融融的家庭生活氛围;通过让学生观察人物行为和预测故事结局培养学生的观察力和想象力;通过做鬼脸游戏激发学生兴趣,锻炼其表达能力并学以致用。
1. 学生能够理解故事情节,绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;
认读fierce, sad, good, frightened, hungry等表示情绪和感觉的词
Step1 Warm up
1. Enjoy a song(《Feelings》:歌曲导入引出故事主题,把学生带入故事情境,熟悉感觉类单词 happy,angry,scared, sleepy. 引导学生表演其中的表情,并说出完整的句子It was...(happy/good ,sad,angry,hungry,scared).
T: In the song, the monsters had different feelings. Do you still remember how were they?
We can say “It was...” OK, who can try?
S: It was happy.
T: Yes,it was happy, and look, the monster had a lot of gifts,so can you see,how was it,was it ___good?
T: So we can say it was good. So let’s read together, good good. The monster it was good. That’s right.
But how about this monster? Was it good?
S:It was angry.
T: It was___.And who can be angry?(让个别学生表演)Everyone,can we be angry? One ,two, go!(学生一起表演)
So this monster it was____. OK, look at this monster,was it angry? Was it happy?
T:It was___sad. Yes,it was sad. What about this one? How was it? It was____(个别学生回答并表演)
S:It was hungry.
T:Can we be hungry? One,two go.(全体学生一起读并表演)And who can be hungry?(再请个别学生表演)
OK,the monster went to the bed.Oh, there was a ghost. How was the monster?It was___
S: It was scared.
T:Let’s say it together.scared scared.It was ______.One two go!
So do you know the meaning of scared?
T: Yes.And we can also say it was frightened. Follow me frightened frightened. Little train?(小火车每个人都要读到,同时纠正个别学生读音)
So we say it was____. Yes ,it was frightened. And who can be frightened?(请个别学生表演)
2. 通过展示视频中的表情图片,引出making faces这一主题,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。
T: Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Wow, the monsters are making faces. Read after me, making faces.
(教师做出相应的表情帮助学生理解“making faces”)
Can you make faces? Let’s play a game about making faces. OK?
Ss: OK.
3. 游戏操练词汇
4. 揭题
T: You are good at making faces, today we will learn a story “Lesson 19 Making faces” So who can read this sentence?(请2个学生)
S:Making faces.
T: Super?/ Good?
S: Super./Good.
T: Let’s try together..One two!
Step2 Presentation
T:Look at this picture.Who is she?
S: Biff.
T: En.Biff is making faces. First,let’s watch some pictures and tell me”Who are making faces?”
S: Dad Mom Chip Biff Kipper(分别将头像贴在黑板上)
T:OK, today is Dad’s birthday. Let’s say happy birthday to Dad. Dad is very happy. The family were playing a game”making faces” Each of them can pick out a card and make the face.. Do you want to see?
1. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察一家人玩做鬼脸游戏时的情景
(picture 1)Look at picture 1, who was making a face? (BQ: Was Dad making a face?) Dad was making a face.
Look! Dad had a word card “fierce”.(指向图中的单词卡) Dad was fierce.(指向Dad并模仿其表情)
Do you know this word? fierce (教师卡片领读,小火车读) So can you make this face? (请其他学生齐读fierce.fierce,一名学生上来用图片遮住脸并做fierce的表情)引导学生根据理解来模仿动作。Let’s make this face together,Dad was----One two go!再观察学生表情有没有到位,点评个别学生。
(Picture 2)Now look at Chip.Guess which word did Chip get?
Look at the picture.Who was sad?Was Chip sad? (指向Chip并模仿其表情)Listen and imitateP2.
And who can be sad? Yes. Let’s say it together.(请学生同时做出sad的表情)
(Picture 3)What about Biff? Was Biff sad? (指向Biff)No. Biff was good. Can you make this face? (请学生做出good的表情) Who is good in our classroom? (引导孩子们上课的时候要乖乖的。) (请其他学生齐读good,good一名学生上来用图片遮住脸并做good的表情,教师也参与表演)
XX is good.XX is good too.Listen and imitate P3
(Picture 4)播放一个声音,是害怕尖叫的声音,学习frightened。请不同学生表演后一起表演该词。高低声读frightened. Oh,who was frightened ? Mum was frightened.(教师模仿Mum的表情) Was Dad frightened? (教师指向图中的Dad)
Yes, he was frightened, too. Can you make this face?
(Picture 5)Can you see Kipper? What is he going to do?Let’s go on to see,OK?
Oh, Kipper was eating the cake. He was hungry. Teach:Hungry (动作表演)
同桌两人表演一下hungry这个词。(小组活动)Are you hungry now?
Who is hungry?(请其他学生齐读hungry,hungry一名学生上来用图片遮住脸并做hungry的表情)
Kipper was hungry.(教师摸摸肚子,做出hungry的表情)
T: Look at the family. How was the family? What a _______(happy/good/funny/nice )family!
2. 听录音跟读(Listening and Imitating):听懂录音并模仿出标准的语音语调
听录音模仿时,录音是什么音什么调,就让学生模仿成什么音什么调。让学生注意在表达不同情绪和感觉时的语气变化,并重点模仿“fierce, frightened, hungry”等较难的单词。
3.Fun to touch
教师制作表情卡片,和学生互动,学生手拍到卡片就读出完整的句子:Dad was fierce.....等
4. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):读懂故事并学会绘声绘色地独立朗读故事
(2)表演朗读。学生自读后,分别邀请学生抽取一张课文人物表情图并作出对应的表情,下面的一起说Mum was frightened.....等
Step3 Consolidation
检查理解(Story Comprehension):梳理故事情节,学会表达故事中每个人的情绪和感觉,通过图文配对练习,让学生回顾故事中每个人的表情,并能用“… was …”表达出来。
(2)情感渗透:Different faces make a beautiful world.Wish you happy forever.
Step4 Homework
(1)Read the story twice and act.
(2)Play this game with your family.