Teaching design of Food for All 教学设计 2024-09-20
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别: 资源年级:八年级 选用情况:学科网未选用 资源内容:

Teaching design of Food for All 

周庄中学 薛丽姣

.Text Analysis

Food for All“多维英语阅读第13级”的一本科普类(non-fiction读物。书中介绍了造成人类或动物食物短缺的原因,并强调人类及动物共享一个地球,互相影响,突出“人与自然”的主题







在对比描述人类和动物的行为时,作者通过大量动词的使用,形象地突出了人类及不同动物的特点及行为,例如形容大象时使用了“walk all over the crops,” “smash the crops down, 形容野猪、老鼠和蝗虫时则分别使用了dig upthey eat and eat and eat, fly in a group”等短语;描写人类的行为时,文章使用了scare away”, keep away”,“cut down trees”等。


2. Teaching objectives

By the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to

(1) Have a better understanding of the text features of a non-fiction.

(2) Get some information about the causes of the food shortage of humans and animals.

(3) Analyse the conflicts between humans and some animals in terms of getting food.

(4) Think about how to make humans and animal live in a peaceful and harmonious way.

(5) Learn to cooperate with each other in a group work and develop critical thinking ability.


3.Teaching procedures:


Share the news about the death of Yuan Longping.

Show some pictures about some hungry people from Africa



1. Give students some information about the features of a non-fiction.


2. Look for the cover

Questions: 1What can you see on the cover?

         2What do you want to know from this book?


3. Look for the content

Questions: How many parts can these headings be divided into?




1.Hungry people:

Question: 1What makes people hungry?

(rain, disasters, animals)

2)How do animals become a big problem to people according to the sentence Animals are a big problem to people.” ?



2.Problems with elephants:


1) What are problems with elephants? (circle the verbs)

2) What is peoples solution towards elephants’ problems? (underline the verbs)

3) What is the result of peoples solution?

(根据 problems-solutions”的逻辑关系,引导学生梳理文章)


(过渡:These are problems with elephants. What about the other three animals?)

3.Read and find out:

1) What are problems with wild pigs/rats/locusts? (circle the verbs)

2) What is peoples solutions towards these problem animals? (underline the verbs)


4. Then the teacher show other problem animals.

5. What is your solution towards these problem animals? (group discussion)


6. Questions: Should we kill them all

( introduce the topic “ food chain” and let students realize that humans and animals depend on each other. We should be friendly to each other.  But are humans kind to the animals? Why not find the answer in the next heading?)


Food for everyone

1. What are problems with people?

7. Is it right? What should we do? (group discussion)


What have you learned from todays lesson?



1. Go over what you have learned today.

2.Think more solutions to problem animals.

3. Discuss how to get along well with animals.





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