The wind and the sun 2024-09-14
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别:教案 资源年级:七年级 选用情况:学科网已选用 资源内容:

The teaching plan of The Wind and the Sun


一. 语篇研读







二. 学情分析





三.教学目标 (Teaching objects)

By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

1. Summarize what Wind and Sun did and talk about their feelings by describing their actions.

2. Analyze the characters’ personalities creatively by answering inferential questions and finding out related supporting evidence such as the characters’ words, actions.

3. Understand the theme of the story by inferring and connect what they read with what they know.

4. Raise the awareness of what ability they have and how they can use their ability in their deep heart.

四.教学重难点 (Teaching focus)

To analyze the characters’ personalities creatively and connect what they read with what they know.

五.教学过程 (Teaching procedure)

Step 1 Lead in  ( 2 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities


Before the class, lets do an arm wrestling contest.

Please work in pairs. When I sayGo, you can start the contest.

Are you ready? Go.


Do an arm wrestling contest.

Students are able to have a general idea of the story and get interested.

Intention: 通过小比赛的方式,活跃课堂的氛围,激发学生对阅读文本的兴趣。


Step 2 Read the cover and the writer  ( 2 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities


Step1. Lets read the title together.

Step2. Please pay attention to retold and illustrated.

Do you know where the story is from?

( Aesops Fables)

Step3. So, this story is a fable. It has many pictures. What do you think of these pictures?

Please remember-- When  you read, these pictures can help you.



Listen and answer the questions.



Students are able to have a general idea of the story and get interested.

Intention: 通过封面和作者,引导学生对故事及体裁产生一定的了解。


Step3 Read the pictures ( 2 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities


What can you see in these pictures?

Whats the weather like?

Describe the pictures.

Answer the questions.

Students are able to have a general idea of the story.

Intention: 通过引导学生图片观察,培养学生“看”的能力,激发学生发散思维,对文本建立初步的认知兴趣。


Step4 Read to understand ( 20 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities


Step1. What is the story about?

Step2. We can divide the story into three parts.

Which pages are about before/ during/ after the contest.

Step3. Before the contest.

1. What were they doing?

2. What were they bragging? Please underline these sentences.

3. What did Wind/ Sun brag?

4. With these sentences, how to understand bragging?

5. Please work in pairs. One reads Wind, the other reads Sun. Just brag to your partner.

6. These three groups, please read Wind, these three groups read Sun. Lets brag together.

7. What ability did Wind/ Sun have?  Please circle a verb.

8. But, how could they tell who is stronger? What did they

9. Look at the contest scene, what can you see in the scene?

10. Which one did Wind choose to do the contest?

11. What kind of the contest?

12. How to understand I can blow it right off his back?

13. How did Wind feel at that moment?

14. What did Sun think of the contest?

追问:So, they were both confident and sure to win, who went first?

Step4. During the contest.

1. Look at the two pictures, what did wind do during the contest?

2. How did Wind blow? What did the man do? How did the man feel? Please underline these sentences, and then try to finish the table.


追问:look at the Wind, just do like him. Open our eyes and mouth wide, and blow as hard as we can.

So, can you understand blew as hard as he could?

3. Did the man take off his coat?

4. Could you please describe the picture with thses words?


5. Look at these pictures, could you please describe Sun?

6. What did Sun say after Winds try?

Now, lets see how easy it was for Sun.

7. Please read from P10-15, try to complete the table.


8. Could you please describe the picture with thses words?


Step5. After the contest.

1. By the end of the story, who won the  contest?

2. Why did Sun win the contest?

3. Did Wind agree with Sun?

4. What did Wind do at last?

5. How to understand  turned into a little breeze?


Look through the story.


Infer and reason.




Underline sentences.

Read sentences with feelings.

Play the role.


Read the contents and answer the questions. 


Read the pictures.






Infer and reason.



Search for information and finish the table.











Describe pictures with their own words.







Scan the story.


Students are able to get the structure of the story.





Get students to read between the lines and pay attention to the pictures.





Practice the stydents ability to predict and observe carefully.











Students are able to read beyond the lines.











Students are enabled to describe their actions.







Intention: 关注信息的提炼和整合,利用story map获取、梳理比赛的三个阶段,引导学生通过回答理解、分析问题,对提取的信息进行加工、推断、整合,理解文本字里行间的意义。利用有感情的朗读和模仿,为学生设置真实的语境,关注文本的潜台词,通过一系列动作描写和生动的图片展示,增加输入的趣味性,为后面环节的产出提供较好的语言输入和积累。



Step5 Read to think ( 9 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities


1. Please read what Wind said.(P2, P4,P5,P16)

What do you think of Wind?

2. Is Sun really STRONGER than Wind?

3. Do another contest.





Infer and reason.



Make a conclusion.



Students are able to visualize what they have learnt.

Intention: 本环节旨在评判,引导学生通过回答评价类的问题,对文本主题展开讨论,挖掘深层含义,基于主题发表个人观点,批判性评价Wind,为接下来联系自身做出铺垫。


Step6 Read to connect/ apply ( 9 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities


1. Group work:  Sharing

What ability do we have?

How can we use it?

2. Please read the story again.



Work in groups.

Read the story again.

Make a conclusion.




Students are encouraged to  share their opions.

Intention: 本环节旨在创造,引导学生通过回答创造类的问题,对文本主题展开讨论,挖掘深层含义,建立文本与自身已有经验的联系,基于主题审视自身,批判性地对待自己,剖析自我,交流感想,培养批判性思维。


Step5 Homework ( 1 min )

Teachers activities and questions

Students activities

Choose one to finish.

1.Work in groups of five. Try to direct a play on P18-24.

2. Make adaption(改编) of the story:

If the Wind choose to make the clouds float away, whats the story going to develop(发展)?


Choose one to finish.


Intention: 学生在了解文本的基础上,回顾故事内容,两个作业二选一,内容深度渐进。通过对主人公的评价,可以帮助学生加深对人物的理解,进一步训练学生的批判性思维能力。通过反思主人公的个人行为,批判地去理解主人公,引导学生关注人与自我。



From the story, Id like to make students:

1. Focus on the development of story to improve students’ thinking quality.

2. Lead students to evaluate the character creatively, which focuses on the divergent thinking.

3. Understand the theme of the story and try to connect what they read with what they know.



1. 教学中使用音频做contest背景音乐,调动学生对掰手腕活动的兴趣和课堂的氛围。


2. 5G智能高效课堂。在教学中,本人多次灵活使用多媒体、seewo显示屏,给学生呈现生动形象的图片,引导学生观察高清图片。重点集中在WindSun的表情以及动作等图片上,让学生读图预测文章,赵细节,帮助学生理解文本,让知识变得更形象,活跃课堂氛围。


3. seewo智慧黑板。在教学中灵活运用seewo黑板,领导学生沉浸式智慧互动,液晶屏交互显示,简单易行。重点集中在WindSun说了什么、做了什么、怎么做的一系列动词整理并板书在seewo黑板,有条理地形成表格,更加直观明了。





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