《Caterpillar’s Home》绘本教学课
【教学内容】丽声北极星分级绘本三年级下(江苏版)A Bear in School
1. 学生通过看图、听读、小组合作读等活动会读故事并能读懂故事。
2. 学生能在完成Story map的过程中厘清故事发展的脉络。
1. 学生能借助Story map 通过有效的师生、生生合作完成任务。
2. 学生能在老师的引导与启发下大胆想象、猜测、提问、判断和质疑。
1.学生能在完成Story map的过程中厘清故事发展的脉络。
2.学生能借助Story map 通过有效的师生、生生合作(同桌合作与小组合作)复述故事,创编对话。
Step 1: lead-in
1.Ask the bird
T: Do you like the bird? Do you have any questions to ask the bird?
S: What’s your name?/Where are you? ...
2.Help the bird
T: What will you do if you find someone lost?
Ss: Help him/her.
T: The bird is in the classroom. He is lost. Help him find his home.
S1: Help! Help! Where am I?
Ss: You are ...
S1: Oh, it’s not my home.
S2: ...
3.Know the story map
T: I make a story map. Let’s get to know it.
Step 2: Pre-reading
T: The caterpillar is not happy. Guess why?
Ss: Maybe he is...
5.Try to imagine
T: Who comes to help? Can you imagine?
Ss: Caterpillar is lost. A ... comes to help. Because ...
2.Show the story map
T: Listen and check.
Ss: A frog comes to help.
T: In this story, we know the characters are... The problem is... What about the setting and the solution? Let’s go on reading.
3.Look for the setting
T: How many places do they look for? Listen and read by yourselves, circle the setting.
Ss: Stone, tree and river.
T: Are they Caterpillar’s home?
Ss: Yes./No.
【设计意图】用“Caterpillar is lost. A ... comes to help.Because...”句型猜测故事的发展走向,能提升学生对故事的好奇与兴趣,让他们在猜测的过程中锻炼提升英语思维能力。展示本故事的Story map,梳理已经掌握的故事脉络,初步了解故事的主人公以及故事中出现的问题。
Step 3:While-reading
Read and underline
T: Where do they look for?
Ss: On the rock. Under the rock.
Read with emotion
T: Read slowly and read with your emotion.
Work in pairs
T: Act out the passage.
【设计意图】借助Story map中的Setting部分细化故事脉络,分场景让学生在情景中体会感受故事情节的发展。在场景一中,师生共同完成学习任务,学生在老师的帮助下借助Story map进行精细化阅读,并通过同桌合作表演对话理解内化阅读内容。
(1)Work in groups
T:Read P6-7 Underline: Where do they look for? Finish Setting2. Act out the passage.
(1)Work by yourselves:
T: Read P8-9 Underline: Where do they look for? Finish Setting3. Act out the passage.
(2)Find Caterpillar
T: Where is Caterpillar? What is he doing?
Ss: He is...
T shows a video about it.
T: What will they say?
Ss: How beautiful!/...
【设计意图】经过前面两个场景的学习,学生已经掌握了自主独立学习与思考的方法与策略。学生在这个环节中通过自主学习完成Story map,并通过故事复述表演内化吸收。
Step 4 Post-Reading
1.Deep thinking
T: After reading, what do you think of Caterpillar and Frog? What do you think of the story?
Ss: I think Frog is...Caterpillar is.../I think the story is...
【设计意图】通过对绘本中主要任务的评价和整个绘本的评价完善Story map,学生在理解故事的基础上积极思考,合理评价,辩证思维,自由表达,极大地提高了其英语思维能力。
2.Design a cover
T: Design a cover according to the story map. What do we need?
Ss: Caterpillar, Frog...
T: What’s the title?
Ss: Lost./Caterpillar and Frog./...
【设计意图】通过对绘本封面的设计进一步活用Story map,学生对故事的掌握进一步深化。特别是给绘本取标题的环节,学生在理解整个绘本故事的基础上给绘本命名,学生的思维得到了很好地锻炼与提升。
3.Continue the story
T: What will they say if Butterfly meet the animals again? Try to add something new in the story.
Ss: Where is your home, Caterpillar?/You are so beautiful./...
T: How is Caterpillar now?
Ss: He is very happy.
Step5 Homework
1.Share the story map with your family and friends.(必做)
2.Write down your new story and share with your classmates.(选做)