《Puppy in a Box 》 绘本教学课 2022-04-09
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:国家级 活动类别: 执教姓名: 所在单位:江阴市实验小学 执教时间:2022-04-09 执教地点: 执教内容: 参加对象:

Puppy in a Box  绘本教学课

【教学内容】丽声北极星分级绘本三年级下(江苏版)Puppy in a Box            




1. 学生能读懂绘本,理解文本。

掌握核心词汇:man, baby, sister, mum, girl, brother, dad

核心句型:Who is she? He’s...

2. 学生能够运用相关的阅读策略去阅读文本。


1. 学生能借助Story map 通过有效的师生、生生合作完成任务。

2. 学生能在老师的引导与启发下大胆想象、猜测、提问、判断和质疑。


通过故事让学生深切感受“Everybody needs to be accompanied. Pets also need to be accompanied.”(每个人都需要家人、朋友的陪伴,动物亦然。),并理解Fido 最终得到陪伴这一暖心结局背后所体现出来的家庭成员之间的相互包容和理解。


1. 学生能通过小组合作的方式自主完成任务并进行汇报。


3. 学生能通过相关配图和文本语境有利于学生猜测词义。



Step 1: Pre-reading

1. Enjoy a song about pets.

2.  Free talk: What pets are in the song?

Do you have a pet? What do you do with your pet?

Step 2: While-reading

1. Guess: This is my package.                

What’s in this box?—— A picture book

2. Show the close reading guide:







3. Cover-reading

Look at the cover, what can you get?

Do you have any questions about the story?

(How does the boy feel?/ What does he do with the puppy?/Where is the puppy? Why?/Why do the boy and the puppy get together?)

SFrom the cover, I see...

It makes me feel...


4.‘Who are in the story?’ (主要人物JackDadMumSister,小狗Fido)


5. (1) Read P2-3 and get the background of the story.

Think and guess: why does Jack get a puppy?

How do they feel?--- The man is happy, dad is happy and Jack is happy now. Is Fido happy?

(2) Read P4-7 and feel

What does Fido do day and night?

Who else is unhappy?

6. Think and discuss

(1)Why does Fido keep barking?---How does he feel?

 (2)Are you happy when you hear the barks all the time? If you’re Jack, what will you do to stop this?

 (3)What will dad and mum do?

(4)Read P10-11 and talk about the ending of the story.


Step3 Second Read

1.Read the whole story aloud by themselves and think.

(1)Does Fido bark now? How does he feel now?

(2)What does Fido need?

2.Discuss and share

(1)What do you think of Jack’s family?

(2)Pets also have their feelings, they also need to be accompanied.

3.Work in groups and talk---Critical thinking

After reading, find out one part of the story that you like to share.


Step 4  Third Read

1. Go through the book and do the High 5 Retell.

Use the erasure function to help Ss retell the story.

2. Work in groups.

Finish some parts of Reading Report.

Choose one to talk about the story or what you have got.


Step5 Homework

1.Finish your Reading Report and use it to share the story with your friends.

2.Read more picture books and make the story Reading Report.


                      My Reading Report


Characters:________________    Setting:_______________


My opinion:________________

【设计意图】以Reading Report格式将本故事主要内容呈现并形成阅读指导,同时呈现了课堂中自然生成。板书反映教师教学思维与促进学生思维及语言的梳理指导,本板书也体现阅读后的长远学习。