阳光英语初二上《Moving things》 2024-09-21
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别: 资源年级:八年级 选用情况:学科网未选用 资源内容:

Moving things教学设计

江阴市徐霞客中学   曾赛


What  本书是阳光英语初二上的内容,文本首先简要分析简单器械发明的原因,进而重点介绍了用于移动物体,使艰难工作变得容易的6种简单器械:杠杆,滚轴,斜面,螺丝,楔子和轮子。六种器械的发明缘由,操作原理以及用途和现状都得到充分阐述,最后通过实例论证了6种简单器械在过去,现在和未来的生产生活中不可替代的作用。


How本书典型的科普说明文,文本结构清晰,图文并茂,按照分析器械发明原因,描述器械原理和用途,最后论证器械不可替的逻辑顺序,阐述了机器的巧妙之处。举例子,列事实, 下定义,引用名言,图文兼并等说明文写作技巧的大量运用让文本语言虽平实,却又准确,客观,生动。

Teaching objectives:

By the end of the class, students are expected to:

1. Know what simple machines are,why they are invented and how they are used

2. appreciate the writing skills of an expository writing;

3. use simple machines to solve problems in their daily life 

4. be inspired to build a better future with machines as well as wisdom and effort.

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Lead in

Appreciate the famous saying from  Archimedes: Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the world

1: Do you agree with him?

2: What does he really mean?

3: What can a lever do?


Step2: While-reading

1. About the cover

1. What information can you get from the cover? (titles and pictures)

2. What are the machines used to do? (move thing)


2.  About the structure 

1. How can we divide this book?

2. Whats the main idea of each part?

3. What type of writing is it?


1. The fist machines (part 1)

1. Why are the first machines invented?   ( to make hard work easier )

2. How does the author illustrate the reasons clearly? (list facts; provide pictures)   


4.  six simple machines part 2)

LeversIntroduce levers by answering the following 3 questions.

1. Why are levers invented?

2. How are levers used today?

3. What other levers in your daily life can you think of?

 Sample: Levers are invented to _____________________________.Today they are used widely. For example, we can use levers to _____________________,____________________________.

______________ is also a lever. It can_________________________.

Group Work: Introduce rollers/ ramps/ screws/wedges/wheels from 3 aspects.


1. 引导学生认识杠杆,滚轴,斜面,螺丝,楔子和轮子并了解器械发明的原因以及在生活中的应用。

2. 提问学生是否能想到杠杆在我们日常生活中的应用,引导学生联系自身实际生活,正确判断生活中用到的各种器械原理,这个过程也就是将学习的内容从输入层面通过内化和整合,转化为正确恰当的输出,真正做到迁移创新。

3. 鼓励学生动手实践,现场演示部分器械原理,通过知识的迁移,学生的创新思维能力得到有效的提高。


 Analyze the similarities of the six machines.

1. What do they have in common?

      (to make hard work easier; still used today; have more uses, simple but make a great difference to our daily life.)

 设计意图:提问学生六种器械有哪些共同点并说明理由, 进一步挖掘文本信息,发散学生思维,活跃课堂气氛,学生回答言之有理即可。 这类开放性问题有利于拓展学生思维的深度和广度,从而满足学生个性化的需求。

Appreciate the writing skills of an expository writing

1. How does the author illustrate the machines clearly?

(list facts; provide pictures, set an example, make a definition, compare and contrast,quota famous sayings)   


5: past, present and future (part 3)  

1. Why are the simple machines important?

2. How does the author illustrate the importance if the machines clearly?  

设计意图:1. 进一步认识简单器械的重要性。2. 学生根据所掌握的说明文写作策略来分析part 3中所运用写作策略及语言特点。

Step3: Post-reading

We are in bad need of your help!

Situation 1: My reading pen doesnt work. Could you help me change the batteries?

Situation 2: Many people are isolated(隔离) in a building because of the coronavirus. How can you send the necessities(必需品) to them?



   Analyze the history of machines and the influence to our society

1: Machines do bring us great convenience, What else do they bring to us?

2. What should our future machine be like?


Step4  Homework

1. Find out more examples of simple machines in our daily life;

2. Introduce one simple machine with as many expository writing skills as possible.

设计意图:1.进一步联系生活实际,找到简单器械在生活运用的更多实例,激发学生的创新思维2. 通过介绍一个简单器械来加强说明文写作技巧的运用。




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