黑布林第7册 The Fisherman and his Soul 2023-10-05
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别: 资源年级:七年级 选用情况:学科网未选用 资源内容:教学设计

The Fisherman and His Soul教学设计

江阴市徐霞客中学   金雪萍







Teaching objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to:

1. get a general idea of the story;

2. understand how to appreciate a story article;

3. improve their comprehension by analyzing writing skills and reading strategies;

4. sum up good qualities of Fisherman and know the importance of love, learn to choose when facing temptations.


Teaching procedures:

Step1: Pre-reading

Make a prediction by reading the cover of the book.


Step2: While-reading

1. Know about the key elements of a story

(1) Who does the Fisherman / Soul meet? (characters)

(2) Skim the pictures, put them into the right order and describe them briefly. (settings& plots)

(3) Know about the beginning, development, turning point, climax and ending of the story according to the pictures.


2. Appreciate the story

Choice 1: Mermaid or Soul (Beginning)

   1. Why does the Fisherman choose the Mermaid?   ( Sing well , Beautiful)    The Mermaid's hair is golden. Her body is white. Her tail is silver and pearl.  Her ears are like sea-shells and her lips are like sea-coral.  (P13.) 

(appearance description外貌描写  simile明喻)

   2. Different opinions about soul












设计意图:故事的赏析,从“选择”入手。1. 这是故事的开端,毫无疑问渔夫选择的是美人鱼。通过对美人鱼的描写,感受她的美,感受渔夫对美的追求。同时,让学生了解写作手法:外貌描写、比喻。 2. 通过对比神父、商人、女巫和渔夫对灵魂的不同的观点,进一步了解渔夫对美人鱼的爱,了解写作手法:对比、反复,起强调作用。

Choice 2: Temptation or Love (Development)

    1. What does the Soul tempt the Fisherman with each year? (wisdom, riches, dancing girl)

    2. What does the Fisherman choose?

      Do you think he chooses well? What do you choose, wisdom, riches or love?

    3. Why does the Fisherman choose temptation the third year?  (pity, curiosity, desire... )


Choice 3: Heart or Soul (Turning point)

    1. What do they do when they travel? (P51--54)

      _______ a silver cup  ______ a child     hit the merchant and ____his gold

    2. How does the Fisherman feel?  

     "Why do you tell me to..."  "It's an evil thing to do."  

     "... You are evil."-- Why does the Soul become evil?    3. What does the Fisherman do? What do you think of him?

      (tie, close -- kind, righteous,  strong-minded ...)设计意图:1. 了解渔夫和灵魂合二为一后的情节;2. 通过渔夫的语言,分析渔夫的感受;读一读渔夫的语言,感受他的愤怒。同时追问:灵魂为什么变得邪恶?让学生意识到:没有了心,就没有了是非观,就会堕落。3.通过渔夫的行为,分析渔夫的品质。

Choice 4: Life(生命) or Love  (Climax)

    1. What does the Fisherman do when he goes back?  P58,59

     "Every morning, every afternoon and ... But... He ... But he can not see her."

    2. Why doesn't the Mermaid come back?

    3. If you are the Mermaid, will you come back?

    4. What does the Fisherman do when he finds the dead Mermaid?  (P60)

      (throw down, lie, kiss, touch, cry, hold, cry cry cry, ...,die with...)

设计意图:1. 寻找表达渔夫寻找美人鱼的语句,体会“反复”这一写作手法的作用;2. “美人鱼为什么不会来”的讨论,让学生根据情节进行合理推测,大胆想象;3. 共情,想象处于美人鱼的境地,自己会怎么做;4. 通过一系列的动作描写,体会渔夫情感。认识到:爱胜于一切。



Step3: Post-reading

1. What are the flowers like? (P63)

2. What do you think the flowers are?

3. Can body and soul live apart? (body + soul + heart = Man )

设计意图:花象征着美、善、爱、勇敢、坚定等所有美好的品质。通过对花的象征意义的讨论,达到情感教育的目的。问题3 呼应标题。

Step4  Homework

Do you like the ending of the story?*If you do, imagine what will happen next. 

*If not, change the ending.设计意图:通过对故事结局的讨论,培养学生评判性思维,续写或改写,培养学生想象能力力、表达能力。



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