Cat and Mouse (Period One) 2019-07-29
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:县级 活动类别: 执教姓名:夏菲 所在单位:江阴市花园实验小学 执教时间:2019-05-23 执教地点:江阴市南闸中心小学 执教内容:Cat and Mouse (Period One) 参加对象:工作室成员 学校骨干

Cat and Mouse (Period One) 教学设计

江阴市花园实验小学  夏菲



1. 能听、会读、会说单词:mouse, news, party, tomorrow, really, seat, early, get up, sad, however, alone

2. 能听、会读、会说词组:get great news, wake you up, go alone, no longer

3. 能听、会读、会说句子:There is a party tomorrow. Really? Will you come with me? Of course.

I can’t get up early in the morning. Don’t worry.


1. 能理解故事的意思,了解故事情节的脉络,表达自己的观点。

2. 能模仿录音,有感情地朗读绘本。


1. 通过绘本中两个角色的体验,明白做人不能虚伪、不诚实。

2. 理解朋友的真正含义,对待朋友要真诚,朋友之间应该互相分享、互相帮助。



1. 正确朗读所有的生词、词组和句子。

2. 能模仿录音,有感情地朗读绘本。

3. 能理解故事的意思,了解故事情节的脉络。


1. 正确朗读所有的生词、词组和句子。

2. 能理解故事的意思,了解故事情节的脉络,表达自己的观点。



Step 1 Warming up

1. Enjoy a song <Chinese Sign>

2. There are twelve Chinese signs in China. They’re all animals. What do you know?

S: Dog. / Pig. / …

Step 2 Presentation

1. T: We’ll enjoy a story about Chinese Signs. What can you see on the cover?

Teach: cat, mouse(out)

Show the title: Cat and Mouse  

2. T: Look at Cat and Mouse. They’re happy. Why?

S: They’re friends.

T: Yes, they’re good friends. But, are they happy now? Cat is running after Mouse.

S: No.

T: They are no longer friends.

Teach: no longer

3. T: In the beginning, Cat and Mouse are good friends. In the end, they’re no longer friends.

What happens? Please enjoy the story.

Watch the cartoon and match the pictures and the sentences.

4. Read the story P4~P11 quickly and order the pictures.

  First, Mouse gets great news.

  Next, Cat and Mouse will go to the party.

  Then, Mouse will help Cat.

  Finally, Mouse goes to the party alone.

Step 3 Presentation

1. T: One day, Mouse gets great news. What news?

  S: There is a party tomorrow.

  Teach: news, party, tomorrow

  Enjoy some pictures of parties.

2. T: But this is a special party. Why?

  S: They have only 12 seats.

  Teach: seat

3. T: So they should go to the party early. How are Cat and Mouse?

  S: They’re happy.

  Teach and read: Really? Will you come with me? Of course.

  Tip: As a good friend, we should share with each other.

4. T: Cat will go to the party. He’s happy. Look at Cat. How is Cat?

  S: He’s sad.

  Teach: sad

  T: Why is Cat sad?

  Read the story P8、P9 quickly and find out the key sentence.

  We should get there early. I can’t get up early in the morning.

  Read: I can’t get up early in the morning.

5. T: If you’re Mouse, Cat’s friend, what will you say?

  S: I wake you up. …

  Teach: wake you up, Don’t worry.

  Read: Don’t worry. I’ll wake you up.

  Show: As a good friend, we should help each other.

6. T: Does Mouse wake Cat up?

  S: No.

  T: However, Mouse does not do so. He goes alone.

  Teach: however, alone

  T: What does Mouse say?

  S: Ha! Ha! I will be the first one there!

  Read: Ha! Ha! I will be the first one there!

7. T: Look! Cat wakes up. But it’s too late. How is Cat?

  S: He’s very angry.

  Teach: angry

  T: What will Cat say to Mouse?

  S: You can’t wake me up. / You’re not my friend. / …

8. T: In the end, where’s Cat?

  S: He’s at the party.

  T: He’s angry. He’s running after Mouse. They’re no longer friends.

  T: What do you think of Mouse?

  S: 狡猾/撒谎/不诚实/说话不算话

  T: He’s cunning and disloyal.

9. T: Mouse is on his way to the party. What will happen then? Try to use these words to ask some questions.

  S: Who are at the party? / How is Ox? / Where’s Ox? / …

Step 4 Homework

1. Read the story P13~P18 in groups of four, try to ask and answer some questions about the story.

2. Listen to the tape, imitate the tones and pronunciation, read the story with your classmates.

3. Share the story with your parents, talk about the characters in the story.




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