《The Thirsty tree》绘本教学 2024-09-06
网站类目:课堂实录 活动级别:市级 活动类别: 执教姓名:滕宁宁 所在单位:江阴市晨光实验小学 执教时间:2024-09-06 执教地点:敔山湾实验小学 执教内容:《The Thirsty tree》 参加对象:无锡市教育学会组织


Step 1 Warm up & Review
(1) T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher.

Today, let’s go on learning this story. The title is

SS: The thirsty tree.(板书课题)

T(点击显红thirsty): How do we know the tree is thirsty?

Look! The leaves turn brown.

T: And the trunk turns…

S/Ss: The trunk turns brown, too.

T: And the ground …

S/Ss: The ground turns brown, too.

T: Yes, the tree is so thirsty.(板书教具渴树)

(2)T: If you are thirsty, what can you do?

S: I can drink…

T: Water is a good choice. Tea is good for our health. Mike is yummy. But cola is too sweet. Don’t drink too much cola. There are a lot of vitamins in juice.

(3)T: The tree is thirsty. Let’s read the first page. And answer why is the tree thirsty?

S: The tree is on top of the hill.

T: How do you know that?

S: On top of the hill there is a very thirsty tree.

T: Yes. You know it’s a long way to walk there. It’s tired. It’s hot.

T: Anymore?

S: The sun is shining in summer.

T: How do you know that?

S: It's summer. And the sun is shining. It's shining on the thirsty tree on top of the hill.

T: So we know the reasons. Together!(板书两句话)

Ss: The tree is on top of the hill. The sun is shining in summer.

T: What happens then?

Ss: Under the ground the tree's roots are tired and thirsty, too. They can't find any water in the ground.

T: Pay attention to these words, we can read like this. Under the ground the tree's roots are tired and thirsty, too. They can't find any water in the ground. Who can try?


T:Very good. Let’s have a try.


(4)T: There isn’t any water in the ground. The tree is thirsty and thirsty and thirsty.

Will the tree die?

S: Yes, it will.

T: In the story, does the tree die?

S: No, it doesn’t.

T: At last, the tree doesn’t die. The tree’s leaves

S: The tree’s leaves turn green.

T: And the trunk isn’t brown.

(5) T: From the thirsty tree to the green tree, it needs

S/SS: It needs water.

T: Right. It needs water. There are two ways to give water to the tree on top of the hill.

T: Which way is good? A or B?  

Ss: B. It rains.

T: Why?

S: Because it’s too long. It’s too hot. It’s too tired.

T: Right. It’s a long way to walk. It’s too hot to water the tree on top of the hill.

  It’s too tired to water the tree on top of the hill.

  So A is not good. B is good.

(5) T: But how does it rain? Let’s watch.

(6)T: If it rains, there will be a cloud. (拿教具教cloud,从house 到 cloud)

T: If the cloud is here, will it rain over the tree?(移动云教具询问学生)

T&Ss: No.

T: If the cloud is here, will it rain over the tree? (移动云教具询问学生)

T&Ss: Yes.

T: But how can the cloud go there? The cloud needs…

S: Wind.(拿教具教wind)

T: Because the wind can blow the cloud. (拿教具wind做吹的动作,教blow,从yellow到blow)

T: So

S/Ss: The Wind blows the Cloud over the thirsty tree. (拿风教具和云教具引导学生填写课件,教师板书两个教具

T: Who asks the wind to come here?

S: A bird.

T: What’s the bird’s name?

S: Cloudbreak.(教师拿鸟教具板书)

T: So

S: Cloudbreak asks the wind to help the thirsty tree.

T:You know something about this story. Let’s know more details about it.

Step 2 Know more details

(2) T: Why does Cloudbreak know the tree is thirsty? Let’s go on reading the story.

Ss: One day, a little bird called Cloudbreak flies over to the tree and rests on one of its branches.

T: “Fly over” is a useful phrase. What does it mean?

   Look! The plane flies over the trees.

T: Suppose Cloudbreak is here. Cloudbreak flies over to the desk.

S: Cloudbreak flies over to the blackboard.

S: Cloudbreak flies over to the door.

S: Cloudbreak flies over to the window.

T: In the story, Cloudbreak flies over to the tree and rests on one of its branches.

  Maybe this branch. Maybe that branch. How many branches does the tree have?

Ss: It has many braches.

T: Yes, many branches. Cloudbreak rests on one of its branches.

  For example, he is our classmates. We can also say he is one of our classmates.

  She is

Ss: one of our classmates.

T: I think you can understand “one of its branches” very well.

(3)T: Now, Cloudbreak meets the tree. How do they talk? What do they say? Imagine!


T: You have a good imagination!

  But what do they say in the story? Who can be the tree?


T: But the tree is so thirsty. It needs water. So how does the tree say? Listen!Who can be the thirsty tree?

S: (先引导3个学生用哀求的感情读)Cloudbreak, all my leaves are brown. And I'm very thirsty. Can you find me some water, please?

Ss:(再全班同学用哀求的感情读) Cloudbreak, all my leaves are brown. And I'm very thirsty. Can you find me some water, please?

T: How does the bird answer?Look! The little bird lifting its wings answers. What does “lifting its wings” mean? Look at the picture. The bird has two wings. It is lifting its wings now.

T: You are the bird now. Please lift your wings.(随机请一个学生扮演小鸟)

We’re narrators. (点击课件)

Ss:The little bird lifting its wings answers:

S(扮演小鸟的学生):But there are no clouds that I can break, here.

T: There aren’t any clouds here. What does the thirsty tree say? (点击课件)

Ss:Then fly to the wind and talk to him. Maybe the wind can blow a cloud across the hill.

T: So Cloudbreak flies off to the wind.(点击课件)

T: This time,let’s act in groups. We are all narrators. Group 1 and 2, you are the tree. Group 3 and 4, you are Cloudbreak.


(4)T: The bird flies off to the wind. Look! What is the wind doing?

S: Sleeping/ resting.

T: Yes. The wind is resting and lying across the sky.

T: What does the bird ask the wind to do? Read silently and fill in the blanks.

S: Cloudbreak asks the wind to blow a cloud across the hill.

T: How do you know that?

S: Can you please blow a cloud across the hill?

T: Yes, Cloudbreak worries about the thirsty tree. She asks the wind to help the thirsty tree.

T: Who can be the worried bird?


T: I think you can be the little teacher.

S---Ss: Can you please blow a cloud across the hill? (教全班三遍)

T: Is the wind happy?

Ss: No.

T:Does the wind want to go now?


T: Why not?

S: Because the wind is resting.

T:So the wind says

Ss: Now I’m resting. Come back tomorrow.

T: And he closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

T: This time, we are all narrators. Girls, you are the bird. Boys, you are the wind.

(5)T: The next day, the wind wakes up. Does he help the bird?

S/Ss: Yes.

T: But how does the wind help?

 Let’s read together!

Ss: The next day, when the wind wakes up he looks for a cloud for the little bird. First he sees a little white cloud. Then, behind the little white cloud, he finds a big grey cloud full of water. Then he blows and he blows until the cloud is over the thirsty tree.

T: What does the wind see?

S: The wind sees a little white cloud and a big grey cloud.

T: If you are the wind, which cloud do you want to blow?

S: I want to blow the … wind.

T: But why?

Ss: Because the grey cloud is full of water.

T: Yes. Actually, there is some water in a white cloud, but there is much more water in a grey cloud. So the wind blows the big grey cloud.

(6)T: The wind blows and blows until

Ss:the cloud is over the thirsty tree.

T:Look at the wind, the tree and the bird. How are they? They are very…

Ss: They are very happy.

T: Right. They are all happy. Who can the happy wind?

S:Here is a big grey cloud for you.

T: The happy tree?

S: Thank you, Wind.

T:The happy tree turns to the bird. He says

S: Now Cloudbreak. Can you make some rain?

T: Who can be the happy bird?

S: Yes, of course. Let’s make your leaves green again.

(7)T:The big grey cloud is over the thirsty tree. How does Cloudbreak make rain?

        Let’s read silently and find.

 S: She uses her beak to make rain.

     T: Yes, you’re right. It’s here. But why does she use her beak?

S: Because her beak is sharp shiny.

T: She uses her sharp shiny beak to make lots of

S: holes

     T: Which sentence? One, two, three, four.

     S: Then she flies around and around making lots of holes and singing.

     T: That is to say “Cloudbreak breaks the cloud”.

(8) T: Look! Cloudbreak is making lots of holes and singing.

What is she singing?

S: I’m so ...I can make…I can help...The leaves turn…

T: The wind is happy too. What is the wind thinking?

S: I’m so ...I can blow the …I can help...The tree isn’t…

T: Yes! They are both happy to help the thirsty tree. Helping others is a good thing.So

Ss: Be happy to help others.

(9) T: Because of their helping,

Ss: And the thirsty tree is no longer a thirsty tree.

Step 3 Connect with life

T: What a happy ending! From the story, do you know what is Cloudbreak?

S/Ss: Cloudbreak is a … bird.

T: What can Cloudbreak do?

S/Ss: Cloudbreak can…the…

T: In our daily life, is there the bird?


T: How does real rain come? Listen to me. Water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air. Water vapaour turns into tiny droplets of water in the sky. These water droplets along with dust become clouds. When the cloud becomes too heavy,it bursts open to give out rain. (教师以动作来演绎)

Step 4 Consolidation

(1) T: Let’s read the whole story.

(2) T: Let’s act. I’m the bird. Who can be the narrator? The tree? The wind?(示范)

(3) T: Four students a group. Good intonation and pronunciation, you can get one star.

Do some action, you can get two stars. Imagination, you can get three stars. Understand!

Step 5 Homework

1. Tell your parents the story of The Thirsty Tree in your own words.

2. Read more picture books.