A gift for you !教学设计 2023-09-27
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:校级 活动类别: 执教姓名:刘译丹 所在单位:江阴市教育局 执教时间:2023-05-27 执教地点:江阴市南闸中心小学 执教内容:A gift for you! 参加对象:四(3)班

种子阅读《A gift for you》

江阴市南闸中心小学 刘译丹

【课时数】 1课时


1. 语言知识:能正确朗读、在语境中理解掌握词汇:gift,make,get,give,jar,jam;能正确朗读、在语境中理解词汇:mailman,firefighter,crossing guard,strawberry, chick, surprise;能正确朗读、在语境中理解句子:“A gift for you!” “Thank you!” “Chica-Chick sees a …” “She runs to him.” “She gives him/her a jar. ”


能根据语言支架进行角色扮演及对话,演绎故事片段;能基于文本的理解对文本主题意义:Gifts deliver happiness.(礼物传递美好和幸福。)进行主观表达。



5. 情感态度:通过主题意义的探究过程并联系自我生活实际,学生能自主体验、感悟文本主题意义:Gifts deliver happiness.(礼物传递美好和幸福。)培养积极的、独立自主的表达和行动观。


1.能正确朗读、在语境中理解掌握词汇:gift,make,get,give,jar,jam;能正确朗读、在语境中理解词汇:mailman,firefighter,crossing guard,strawberry, chick, surprise;能正确朗读、在语境中理解句子:“A gift for you!” “Thank you!” “Chica-Chick sees a …” “She runs to him.” “She gives him/her a jar. ”理解绘本的主要内容并掌握一些阅读的技巧。


3.能基于文本的理解对文本主题意义:Gifts deliver happiness.(礼物传递美好和幸福。)进行主观表达。



Mini Dictionary


gift (复数gifts礼物          mailman 邮递员              make(makes)

jar   (复数 jars)罐子          firefighter消防员             give (gives)

strawberry(复数strawberries)crossing guard 道路引导员   run  (runs)  

jam  果酱       sad 伤心      friendly  友好的              take (takes)

chick 小鸡      happy高兴的  helpful  乐于助人的          get  (gets)得到

surprise 惊喜   kind 善良的    warm  温暖的               wonderful 精彩的

nice   美好的   lovely/cute可爱的  polite  有礼貌的        sweet 甜美的        


A Question card

1. Do you like gifts?        ___________________________


2. Do you get any gifts?What gifts______________________


3. Why do you like your gifts?___________________________


4. Who can get your gifts? ______________________________







Step 1 Pro-reading

1. Say a chant .

T:Hello,boys and girls.Im your new teacher. Lets say a chant together and you may know something about me.

Chant:  I say I like, you say mangoes! I like

       I say I like,you say strawberries! I like

       I say I haveyou say grapes! I have

       I say I have, you say pineapples! I have

2. Check the chant.

T:Boys and girls, thats about meMiss E. Miss E likes fruit. Do you remember?


 Teach: strawberries

strawberries (draw以旧带新,drawstraw ,再通过字母 e 的音标/e/用拼读的方式,拼出整个单词)。

Reading skill1 (阅读技能1):The words you learned before can help us learn the new words.以前学过的单词可以帮助你们学习新单词。

3. GuessWhats my favourite fruit?  学生猜出 strawberries. What can we do with strawberries?

学生通过猜make fruit salad ,make strawberry pies, make strawberry cakes…引出make strawberry jam.

Teach: jam (通过拼读/d3æm/直接试着拼出来)

4. 追问:If we have a lot of jam, what can we do with it ? 学生猜想最后引出 make gifts.

Teach: gifts

5引题So heres a story about gifts. Do you want to learn?

带读引题A gift for you.(先只呈现标题)


6.Talk about the cover

呈现封面(图)T:Look at this cover, who can you see on the cover?


Teach Chica-Chick (由chicken旧知新知chick)

Do you have any other questions?

课件呈现关键词: DoWhatWhat....?


Do they buy the gifts or make the gifts?(礼物是买的还是做的?)

What gift is it? (礼物是什么?)

Who gets the gift?(谁拿到了礼物?)


Step2 While-reading

1. 分图浏览呈现P2 Look and guess.

①T: What can you see in the picture?

Ss: Jars.(carjar

T: Anything else?

Ss: Strawberries.


Reading skill2(阅读技能2):Pictures can help you know the main idea .图片可以帮助你们获取大意,理解文本,找出答案

T:What are they going to do with themListenWow,they are going to make strawberry jam! Follow me!

③ TBut so many jars maybe a problem, because Grandma says出录音,带读模仿。Its really a problem.

Can you help them?

  Ss预测:Maybe ①eat them ②sell them ③ give them to … ④make gifts

   T: That’s right! They can make gifts!

   Teach: make gifts (同时贴板书,贴在第一块场景板书里)

出录音,Listen and imitate. 师带读,生模仿



2. 自主阅读 :自读书P3~6,找出收到礼物的人,圈划关键字。Show learning tips.

TChica-Chick and Grandma make gifts,but who gets the gifts?

给出句子 ________ gets the gifts.  

Checkout: . Who gets the gifts? Teach: get the gifts 贴板书                

                                                ① a mailman

                         ② a firefighter

③ a crossing guard




3. 逐图阅读(精读)

解读P3 Learn and act.

①T:So many people get the gifts. Are they happy or helpful? Look at Chica-Chick. Is she happy? Why? How do you know that?

Ss: She runs to him and gives him a jar.

Teachrun to , give togive gifts(贴板书)

(学生通过教师问题引领,能很快引出旁白并学习 run to ,give to新授词汇。在教师引领的肢体语言和表情下理解并试着演读这一幕。)

② T: How about the mailman? Is he happy too?

   Ss: Yes!

同时呈现对话 Thank you,Chica-Chick!

(学生先按照自己理解读一下这句话,然后出录音,imitate together.)

③ TThe scene is so warm. I want to act, how about you? Let’s try.

(教师示范做Chica-Chick,学生做mailman.示范一组后生生演。此过程中教师不断评价学生的表演How sweetHow warmHow kind!教学评一体的情况下又能不断复现预习单里的形容词,有助于学生的语言输出。)

④Think and say

T:If you were Chica-Chick ,what else can you say? Think over.

T呈现句子A gift for you! Its _______.


T:If you were the mailman,what else can you say?

T呈现句子Thank you!  Chica-Chicks! I like ______. You’re so _____.


T: I think you all want to be them.

T:Here’s a dialogue for you.


Show time.


4.Complete and Act

T: Mailman gets the gift and says … Chica-Chick gives the gift and says … (总结贴板书)What about others? Please discuss and work in groups. Then choose one scene to finish the dialogue. 两人合作,完成学习单并选择一个场景进行表演

l Group-study and complete

l Check and act     

Reading skill3 (阅读技能3):If you can’t complete the dialogue, you can refer to the helping bank or talk with your partners.如果你完成对话有困难,可以去帮助银行找一找或者小组内讨论。


5.Guess and say

①T: Firefighter, crossing guard and friends also get the gifts.They are all happy. But is Chica-Chick happy too? Look!

(学生通过看图P7,很快就能找到句子Chica-Chick is little sad.

追问:WhyCan you find out?

(学生圈划关键句:They have no jars left.→通过观图和选择说出这句话的意思。Any more

学生继续圈划关键句:She loves strawberry jam. (出录音,跟读。)

②GuessWhat happens to Chica-Chick at last? Can you help her again?

生预测:① buy some jam ② make some jam …

出录音:Listen→ A gift for you ! 生听录音后齐读,模仿这句话。

T: Grandma gives a gift to Chica-Chick! How does she give?

出文字: She takes out a big,big,big jar. Teach : take

T: So these small jars are for them (小鸡送的人),this big one is for  Chica-Chick! (回到封面解读完整)

T:At first,Chica-Chick has no jars,but now she has a big one, it’s a surprise!

Teachsurprise (伴随surprise音效,学生体验更深刻。)

T:Let’s read happily, OK?


Step3 Post-reading

1. Listen and imitate

TAt last,they all get the gifts. How happy! Do you want to read this happy story? Let’s go!

2. Check reading

T: Good reading!  Today we have learned the story → retell the story


设计意图: 通过图片形式的板书,帮助学生理清了这个故事的主要脉络,同时也能更好的帮助学生复述故事时的具体产出。

3.Think and say

①T: They are all happy, but who is the happiest one  in this story ?(谁是故事里最快乐的人?) Why?

Ss:I think_______. Because _________.

T: Chica-Chick is the happiest one . Because she gives gifts and gets gifts.


l Getting gifts is happy.

l Giving gifts is happy too.

l Gifts brings happiness. (礼物传递幸福和快乐。)

②TChica-Chick knows it. She gives so many gifts. Why does she give them to these people?( 为什么小鸡只送礼物给他们?)

Because they are____________________. (学生说中文也行,师英语补充。)

T: Because they are the most lovely people in our country. They always help people in need.


③TIf you have a gift, to whom?



3. Share some pictures.


4. Enjoy a chant.


Gifts are nice.

Gifts are warm.

Gifts are from friends.

Gifts are from family.

Gifts are to lovely people.

Gifts are to great people.

Remember giving or getting gifts,

They are all wonderful,beautiful,colourful.

设计意图: 通过围绕礼物这个核心词追加问题,层层递进,引导学生思考礼物的意义,情感得到提升,并就情感提升继续追加问题,呼应当下的疫情现状,达到共情的目的,最后从孩子们的回答里提炼出一首关于礼物的chant,跟开头呼应.

Step4. Homework

1. Try to say the chant Giftswith your family or friends.

2. Read more books about gifts. Then share next week.
















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