B2U3 Integrated skills “Promoting traditional Chinese festivals”。 2024-09-21
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:县级 活动类别: 执教姓名:曹婷 所在单位:江阴市山观高级中学 执教时间:2024-09-21 执教地点:江阴市山观高级中学 执教内容:B2U3 Promoting traditional Chinese festivals 参加对象:江阴市全体英语教师

B2U3 Integrated skills   Promoting traditional Chinese festivals

Teaching Aims:

By the end of this section, students will be able to:

1. know the reasons for the promotion of traditional Chinese festivals;

2. summaries various ways to promote traditional Chinese festivals;

3. write an article promoting traditional Chinese festivals;

Teaching importance and difficulties:

1. search for the reasons and importance of promoting traditional Chinese festivals in text;

2. come up with possible ways to promote traditional Chinese festivals according to the different

parties and give a lecture by using these ways

3. make posters and make a presentation about the chosen festivals.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in


1.Review the festivals students have learnt in the reading section.

2.Where else can you learn about traditional festivals around the world?Find information on the Internet.Watch films and TV programs.Make friends with foreigners and ask them their festivals.Experience these festivals by travelling in different countries.

Step 2 Read and think

1. What traditional Chinese festivals do we often observe?

2. Read the website article on Page 36 and answer the following questions.1)Why should we promote traditional Chinese festivals in modern society?2) What is the importance of traditional Chinese festivals?

3. What attitudes should we have towards our traditional festivals and customs?

Step 3 Listen and Think

How can we promote traditional Chinese festivals?Listen to a school radio report and complete the table on Page 78, Part B.Step 4 Group Discussion

1. Who else can take the responsibility to promote Chinese traditional festivals?

2. What can they do to promote traditional Chinese festivals?

l Schools: provide optional courses

hold various competitionsrun colorful clubs organize enjoyable events

l Government: build platforms           raise awareness           make them public holidays

l Media: learn more about Chinese customs

celebrate traditional Chinese festivals with family membersintroduce traditional Chinese festivals to people home and abroadexperience/get involved in traditional Chinese festivals in person

l Individuals: spread more knowledge

advertise to the public

broadcast the activities

3. Mini-ReportWays to promote traditional Chinese festivals

Many parties have important roles to play in promoting traditional Chinese festivals. The government are supposed to _________. Meanwhile, as most people have access to different types of media, it is an effective way to _________ through TV, radio and the Internet locally, nationally and even internationally! And in schools, festivals should be promoted with __________. As individuals, we can promoting them by __________.     With joint efforts, people will pay more attention to traditional Chinese festivals, and be prouder of Chinese culture.Step 5 Group Work

1.Task assignment

Work in group of 6·A discussion leader — to allocate the tasks in groups·A designer —to design the poster, making it more organized·Two proposers — to come up with the importance of the chosen festival                 and propose ways to promote the traditional Chinese festivals·A writer— to write words neatly·A presenter— to give the presentation orally and confidently2. Task preparation

You need to work out:a brief introduction to your chosen festivalthe importance of this festival and reasons for your recommendationpossible ways to promote the traditional Chinese festivalsa presentation of your group task

3. Presentation

Step 6 Summary

Promoting traditional Chinese festivals

a sense of ritual: the red packet, lanterns, papercutting, couplets, Spring Festival Gala...a sense of belonging:

dumplings, niangao, mooncakes, fish…

a sense of pride:

cultural confidence, our soft power, national competenceT: We should defend our Chinese culture, inherit traditional Chinese culture genes, show Chinese

esthetics.                                                     ——Xi Jinping

我们要坚守中华文化立场、传承中华文化基因,展现中华审美风范。 ——习近平

Step 7 Homework


假如你学校英语俱乐部的主席。我校和友好学校韩国蔚山药泗中学近期将举行主题为疫情阻通路,网络续友情的文化交流活动,需要你向韩国同学推广中国传统文化节日。请写一篇介绍中国传统节日的英语演讲稿。内容要点如下:1. 简单介绍的你所推荐的中国传统节日(如:传统节日的名称、庆祝时间、节日由来、风俗习惯或庆祝活动等)。2. 介绍这个节日的重要性及推荐这个节日的理由。3. 分享我们将如何把中国传统节日发扬光大的一些做法。注意:1.词数150左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。


在完成Integrated skills板块的探索教学后,我进行了深入的反思,以希望在能够进一步优化此版块的教学。


本次课程主要探索Integrated skills板块的教学,尝试根据这个板块的要求——主题意义下听、说、读、看、写五位一体的设计框架,以活动为导向,在听、读、看等理解性技能的基础上,向说、写等表达性技能过渡和迁移,完成一个半开放式的活动,形成个性化的产出,提升综合语言能力。




1. 时间分配上有所不足,导入部分有点过长,以致后面的学生阶段性输出部分时间比较被动,学生口头产出未能尽情发挥,可适当精简。环节与环节之间可更加紧凑一些、教师语言可更精炼一些,力求干净利索,张弛有度。

2. 在学生输出环节,未能周全考虑不同英语水平学生的输出能力的差异性即未能很好地进行因材施教,分层教学。可适当设置不同层次水平的输出项,让不同层次的学生各自发挥应有效应共同完成最后的输出,以提高学生参与度,让每名学生都有获得感。

3. 根据学情,在Discussion部分,可在学生稍作思考之后,教师先抛出导向性问题,再让学生进行讨论,相信学生的输出量会更多、更有针对性。


1. 任务情境能贴近学生,主体实践充分:创设的与中国传统节日相关的任务情境设置十分真实,能与学生已有的知识和经验紧密联系。激发学生的学习热情和积极性。设计的学习活动开放性能够适合学生的能力,但需要学生运用和锻炼思维能力。

2. 活动设计体现了该板块的要求-----融合性,作文支架搭建合理。听、说、读、看、写等语言技能一直贯穿到整个分析、解决问题的教学过程中,形成有效的知识整合、意义的构建,语言的迁移应用等一系列的输出,同时关注了为写作搭建支架的深度学习活动。




本节课的授课内容是Integrated skills板块,以制作一份宣传中国传统节日的海报为目标任务,介绍一个中国传统节日并为推广活动提出新颖的建议,引导学生理解文化内涵,比较文化不同,坚定文化自信。单元的主题语境是人与社会,话题是节日与风俗。本板块围绕单元话题,以推广中国传统节日创设情境,展开一系列看、听、说、读、写等学习活动。本节课的教学目标定位在三个层面,即知识、能力和应用。考虑到学生存在发展、学力和知识技能的差异,在知识与能力目标设计上体现了层次性,尽可能地挖掘教材,使教学目标设计具有一定的整体性、融合性和可操作性。

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