The Man Who Enjoyed Grumbling教学设计 2022-04-11
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:县级 活动类别: 执教姓名:舒可锲 所在单位:江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校 执教时间:2022-03-10 执教地点:江阴市文林中学 执教内容:The Man Who Enjoyed Grumbling 参加对象:长泾片初中英语教师

The man who enjoyed grumbling











By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

1. understand the story and answer literal questions.

2. analyze the feeling of the character by experiencing and finding out supporting evidence.

3. talk about the themes of the book by answering critical questions.







Step 1 Lead-in

1. Play a game. Find the similarities and differences in the two pictures.



Step 2 Read to understand

1. What are the main characters of the story?

2. What’s the relationship between them?

3. Are they always neighbors?

4. Why did they move to high hills? Can you find the reasons from the book?

5. Are they neighbors in the end?

6.Why did they move back? Try to find the reasons in the book.

7. What did Mr R do to the Goat family at first?

8. What did the Goat family do?

9. How did they feel? Are they happy?

10. Imagine if you have a neighbor like them, what will you do?  

11.However, is it a problem to Mr R? How did he feel? Angry? Really?

12. Imagine if you have a neighbor like Mr R, what will you do?

13. What did the Goat family do? They moved up into high hills. Did they tell Mr R? How did he know?

14. How did Mr R feel when he found out what happened? find some details to support it. Read together to experience his feeling.

15. There is a sentence below, Mr R looked around. Sure enough, there was no one scratchy to be seen. Why did he do this? Is this sentence necessary? Can we cut it out?

15. It seems that that he has nothing to grumble about. But did he stop grumbling?

16. What did he grumble?

17. How did he feel now? how do you know that? Let’s find out what he said. read it to experience

18. Did his feeling change gradually?

19. What about the goat family? Are they happy after moving to the high hills?.

19. At last, they moved back. How did they feel? How do you know that?

20. What’s the meaning of the word tremendous in English? How do you know? Can you use another word to replace it?

20. How did Mr R feel? A little happy or very happy? Find some details to show it.


Step 3 Read to think

1. let’s look at the two pictures again. Do the Goat family still like making trouble? Does Mr R still enjoy grumbling?

2. But their relationship has improved, what makes the change of their relationship? Move house.

3. Do you think move house or get away is a good way to solve the problem? What if the goat family didn’t move back?  

4. What did they realize after they moved back?

(At first, the goat family just want to get away from Mr R and at last they realized they need him.

Mr R also need the goat family to let him grumble and make him happy.)

They are really close now.

5. But it’s natural to have problems in a relationship. How can we deal with it? Discuss.

Grumbling is also a kind of communication. It expresses information as well as feelings. But grumble to much may hurt other’s feelings and push them away. And some people may not accept this kind of communication. We should choose a proper way to communicate with others. We need to make a good communication

Step 4 Read to connect

1. Do you have a grumbler in your life? In your class or in your family? Do you have problems with the grumbler? How do you deal with them?


A good Communication can always

break the hedge, connect people and bring hearts and mind closer.



Pretend to be Mr R and write to the Goat family. Talk about how you feel about the move and being apart. Write about what you miss about them. Remember, you don’t want to admit that you actually miss them.


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