The Wonderhair Hair Restorer教学设计 2022-04-11
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:县级 活动类别: 执教姓名:施琳玲 所在单位:江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校 执教时间:2021-12-16 执教地点:江阴市河塘中学 执教内容:The Wonderhair Hair Restorer 参加对象:长泾片初中英语教师

Teaching Plan for The Wonderhair Hair Restorer









Teaching objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to...

1.     understand the story better.

2.     guess the meaning of some new words according to the context.

3.     know the importance of dealing with things in a different way.


Teaching procedures

Step 1 read the cover

1.Read the title of the book

  What is wonderhair hair restorer?

2.Read the picture

What kind of people needs hair restorer?

Step 2 Read for gist

1.     Ss are asked to answer some simple questions about the story:

   Who are the main characters? Who had a problem? What was the problem?

2.     Ss are shown a picture from the beginning of the story and a picture from the end of the story;      Ss are asked to tell the similarity and the difference.

   Was the Dad not bald in the end?

   The bald head was the same. What was not the same?

Step 3 Read for structure

   Ss are asked to tell the main idea of each part.

Beginning (P2-5)      Dad’s problem

Development(P6-9)    Daughter’s restorer

Climax(P10-21)       Dad’s “new hair”

Turning point(P22-23)  Daughter’s antidote

Ending(P24)          Bald again

   Which part attracts you most? Why?

Step 4 Read for details:

(1) P2-5 Dad’s problem

   Ss are asked to read P2 and find out the sentences to show Dad was upset.

   Ss are asked to read P4-5 and answer the questions:

   What did mother do for Dad? Did it work? How did Dad feel?

(2) P6-9 Daughter’s restorer

   Ss are asked to read P6-9 and circle out the verbs.

   Ss are asked to work in pairs. One read out the sentences that show Daughter’s movements. The other act them out.

(3) P10-21 Dad’s “new hair”

   Ss are asked to work in groups and discuss about the questions and fill in the table.


What happened

People’s reactions

Dad’s feelings



feel surprised



short grass;long grass and





a garden

laugh; frightened



a garden


extremely angry

   Questions: Did the father do anything to deal with the new hair?

            Did the daughter help her Dad?

(4) P22-23 Daughter’s antidote

Ss are asked to read P22-23 and answer questions:

Who solved the problem at last? How? Was it useful?

(5) P24 Bald again

Ss are asked to read P24 and answer questions:

What happened to Dad? How did Dad feel?

Can you find out some sentences to show that he was happy?

Step 5 Read for theme

Ss are asked to discuss in groups:

Although Dad was still bald, he was happy instead of being upset.

What changed? What caused that change? What can we learn from Dad’s story.

Step 6 Read for association

Ss are asked to discuss in groups about the question:

Is there anything in your life that you can’t accept at first, but then get comfortable with? What is it? After reading the story, what will you do when you face similar problem?

Step 7 Homework

Summarize the story in 150 words.

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