Cobwebs, elephants and stars《仙女也烦恼》教学设计 2022-04-11
网站类目:教学设计 活动级别:县级 活动类别: 执教姓名:舒可锲 所在单位:江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校 执教时间:2021-12-01 执教地点:江阴实验中学 执教内容:Cobwebs, elephants and stars 《仙女也烦恼》 参加对象:直属学校初中英语教师

Cobwebs, elephants and stars《仙女也烦恼》











By   the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

1.   understand the story and answer literal questions.

2.   Analyze the quality of the character by finding out supporting evidence.

3.   learn more about writing techniques and the function.

4.   Talk about the themes of the book by answering critical questions.







Step 1 Lead-in

1. Do you   like magic?

2. Who has   magic?

3. What is   a fairy like in your mind?

4. Do you   like stay with a fairy? Why?

5. If the   fairy looks like this(pic), would you like to stay with her?


Step 2 Read the picture

6. What   about this girl? Do you know her name?

7. At last,   does she like to stay with the fairy?


Step 3 Comb through the story and analyze the   image of the character and the writing techniques

Read page   2-3

Look at the   picture, Barbara was unhappy, because Mrs. Caliban the fairy will look after   her.

1.   Why this makes her so unhappy?

2. What do   you know about Mrs. Caliban?

3. Why did Barbara’s   mother ask Mrs. Caliban to look after her?

Read page 4-5

1. Did   Barbara accept her mother’s proposal at last?

2. How do   you know that?

3. Why did   she accept?

Context-based   interpretation

1. What is   your impression of Mrs. Caliban?

In-depth appreciation

1. How did   the author introduce Mrs. Caliban at the beginning of the story?

Indirect   description

Set the   suspense

2. What do   you think of the beginning of the story? Do you like it? Does it make you   feel curious about her?

Context-based   interpretation

Read page 6-7

1. What do   you think of Mrs. Caliban this time?

Read page 7-8

1. What’s   Barbara’s problem?

2. Did she   ask the fairy for help? 

3. What’s   Mrs. Caliban’s reaction to this?

4. If you   were Mrs. Caliban what will you say?

5. Which   response is better? why?

Read page 8-15

Discuss and   finish the table.

1. What   were Mrs. Caliban’s problems?

2. What do   you think of her problems?

3. What   ideas did Barbara come up with to help Mrs. Caliban solve her problems?

4. What do   you think of Barbara’s suggestions?

5. Why   didn’t Mrs. Caliban accept Barbara’s suggestions?

6. If you   were Barbara, what would you think of Mrs. Caliban the fairy?

In-depth   appreciation

1. Why did   the author create such a fairy?

2. Was she   really useless? Did she really have these problems? And can’t solve them by   herself? How do you know that?

Context-based   interpretation

Read page 16-21

1. Did   Barbara help her solve these problems?

2. How did   they solve the problems?

3. Do you   think it’s a good idea or not? Why?

4. What do   you think of Barbara?

Read page 22-24

1. How did   the writer end the story?


1. How did   Barbara feel about Mrs. Caliban in the end?


2. Did you   change your opinion on Mrs. Caliban?

Group Discussion

1.What do   you think of Mrs. Caliban? Why?


Step 4 Sharing

1. What do   you learn from the story?

2. What do   you think of the title?

3. More   information about the writer.



Use your   imagination to rewrite this story from page 6.


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